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A standing Grenadier converses with his sitting, pipe-smoking comrade...

A standing Grenadier converses with his sitting, pipe-smoking comrade...
Price for 1Set 93,33 EUR

Product number NA399
Not in stock 
Ships within 6-12 days

Royal Artillery Drummer

Royal Artillery Drummer
53,33 EUR  

Old Guard, Tambour/Drummer

Old Guard, Tambour/Drummer
53,33 EUR  


86,66 EUR  

"Mounted Aide-de-Camp"

"Mounted Aide-de-Camp"
113,33 EUR  

A standing Grenadier converses with his sitting, pipe-smoking comrade...

A standing Grenadier converses with his sitting, pipe-smoking comrade...
Price for 1Set 93,33 EUR

Product number NA399
Not in stock 
Ships within 6-12 days

Royal Artillery Drummer

Royal Artillery Drummer
53,33 EUR  

Old Guard, Tambour/Drummer

Old Guard, Tambour/Drummer
53,33 EUR  


86,66 EUR  

"Mounted Aide-de-Camp"

"Mounted Aide-de-Camp"
113,33 EUR