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German - The Third Reich

German - The Third Reich

Adolf Hitler... Deep in thought

Adolf Hitler... Deep in thought
For the Third Reich in the spring of 1945 desperation and defeat were staring them straight in the face... In the West, the Americans, British and Canadians were advancing steadily...In the East the Russians were almost within artillery distance of Berlin itself. Hitler had plenty to think about ... including his own demise... - See more at: http://www.kingandcountry.com/hitler-deep-thought-p-10081.html#sthash.4nJXVTl8.dpuf
43,99 EUR

”Himmler & Heydrich... The Deadly Duo” (Grey version)

”Himmler & Heydrich... The Deadly Duo” (Grey version)
Following the outbreak of hostilities in September 1939 the SS changed over to the “feldgrau” colour of uniform from their traditional all-black, pre war ones. Himmler and Heydrich again step out in their long grey greatcoats somewhere in Berlin during the early part of the war. - See more at: http://www.kingandcountry.com/himmler-heydrich-deadly-grey-version-p-10084.html#sthash.JEmRGJQZ.dpuf
79,99 EUR

The Black Heydrich

The Black Heydrich
SS-Obergruppenfuhrer Reinhard Heydrich was one of the most feared men in the Nazi Empire and one of the main architects of The Holocaust. Even Adolf Hitler described him as “The man with the iron heart”. In the SS he was number two to Reichsfuhrer Heinrich Himmler and the founding head of the SD (Sicherheitsdienst) the intelligence gathering organization set up to seek out and destroy any kind of opposition to the Nazi Party...both at home and abroad. In September 1941 he was appointed Reichsprotektor of Bohemia and Moravia, the former Czechoslovakia. On 27 May 1942 he was attacked and wounded by Czech parachutists sent by the Government in exile in London. He died from his wounds on 4 June 1942. A bloody retribution followed. This figure shows Heydrich in his prewar black SS uniform. - See more at: http://www.kingandcountry.com/black-heydrich-p-9218.html#sthash.EPA7Kyt5.dpuf
39,99 EUR

RAD Banner Bearer

RAD Banner Bearer
A junior RAD leader carrying one of the RAD’s own colourful flags.
49,33 EUR

Saluting RAD Leader

Saluting RAD Leader
One hand holding his RAD ceremonial dagger his other raised in the Nazi salute the senior leader also marches past.
42,66 EUR

Double Banner Street Lamps

Double Banner Street Lamps
For any parade or Berlin Street scene the new Street Lamps make a useful addition. swastika banners on one side. SS rune banners on the reverse.
53,33 EUR
Products: 60