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Berlin building in bombed condition

Berlin building in bombed condition
Berlin was bombed more than 300 times during World War II, but the major British firebombing attacks in the winter of 1943-44 were the most concentrated and persistent attempt to destroy the city.
399,99 EUR

Barn / shelter in winter version

Barn / shelter in winter version
Small barn or shelter that can be used for Battle of the Bulge, the Eastern Front and many other lands as well as various historical eras
106,66 EUR

Cafe De Normandie - Carentan

Cafe De Normandie - Carentan
The back of the building has open floors where you can place the German Fallschirmjäger.
Also, the buildings are separate so that you can arrange them in different positions.
533,33 EUR

Manor house with passage and tower

Manor house with passage and tower
Manor house with passage and tower
Dimensions: 50x50x45cm
Figures, vehicle and trees are not Incl. can be purchased separately.
699,99 EUR

Old Stonebarn

Old Stonebarn
Old farmhouse stone barn
Figures not incl.
139,99 EUR

Shed / barn building

Shed / barn building
Shelter / barn or smithy, there are many options for this old building.
106,66 EUR

Stone barn

Stone barn
Battle of the Bulge and the Eastern Front
199,99 EUR

Farm Main house

Farm Main house
Figures, Vehicles and trees not included.
266,66 EUR

Italian castle tower with house

Italian castle tower with house
The tower dates from the 12th and 13th centuries and was built as a castle tower
Since the height of the tower was synonymous with prestige, power and status, the height of the towers was as great as the egos of the aristocrats.
399,99 EUR

Italian house

Italian house
Italian yellow house with eaves, stairs and shrubs ...
253,33 EUR

Manor house

Manor house
Figures, vehicles & trees not included.
666,66 EUR


Historical - authentic - handmade
133,33 EUR

Wild West - Bank with balcony

Wild West - Bank with balcony
In the early frontier years, private individuals and outposts of the Hudson Bay Company and other trading companies provided banking services. As states west of the Mississippi began developing after the 1840s, capital flowed fairly readily from the east coast and also from foreign sources.
386,66 EUR

Wild West - Hotel with balcony

Wild West - Hotel with balcony
Hotels in the Wild West were often called just that, hotels, although most towns were too small to have a hotel, and so lodging could be found anywhere from the attic of a general store to the inside of a church, wherever one might go money to set travelers up.
399,99 EUR

Wild West - Hotel with balcony

Wild West - Hotel with balcony
Hotels in the Wild West were often called just that, hotels, although most towns were too small to have a hotel, and so lodging could be found anywhere from the attic of a general store to the inside of a church, wherever one might go money to set travelers up.
306,66 EUR

Wild West - Saloon

Wild West - Saloon
A Western saloon is a kind of bar particular to the Old West. Saloons served customers such as trappers, cowboys, soldiers, lumberjacks, businessmen, lawmen, outlaws, miners, and gamblers. The first saloon was established at Brown's Hole, Wyoming, in 1822, to serve trappers.
373,33 EUR

Military barracks

Military barracks
50x18x27 (Garage 15.5cm deep)
Figure and vehicles not included
266,66 EUR


5 different gravestones with names and years.
39,99 EUR
Products: 204