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The Blood Flag Bearer

The Blood Flag Bearer
The Blood Flag or “Blutfahne” was supposedly carried during Hitler’s failed attempt to overthrow the Bavarian Government in Munich in 1923. It was said to have been stained with the blood of those killed and wounded during a skirmish with the Munich police. Thereafter it was treated like a “Holy Relic” and appeared at all major Nazi functions, parades and events. For almost 20 years it was only carried by one SS man...Jakob Grimminger who rose from the ranks of the SS to eventually become an SS Standartenführer or the army equivalent of a full Colonel. Our figure shows Grimminger presenting the flag.
Price for 1pcs. 59,99 EUR

Product number LAH141
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Manufacturer King & Country
The Blood Flag or “Blutfahne” was supposedly carried during Hitler’s failed attempt to overthrow the Bavarian Government in Munich in 1923. It was said to have been stained with the blood of those killed and wounded during a skirmish with the Munich police. Thereafter it was treated like a “Holy Relic” and appeared at all major Nazi functions, parades and events. For almost 20 years it was only carried by one SS man...Jakob Grimminger who rose from the ranks of the SS to eventually become an SS Standartenführer or the army equivalent of a full Colonel. Our figure shows Grimminger presenting the flag.

The Black Heydrich

The Black Heydrich
SS-Obergruppenfuhrer Reinhard Heydrich was one of the most feared men in the Nazi Empire and one of the main architects of The Holocaust. Even Adolf Hitler described him as “The man with the iron heart”. In the SS he was number two to Reichsfuhrer Heinrich Himmler and the founding head of the SD (Sicherheitsdienst) the intelligence gathering organization set up to seek out and destroy any kind of opposition to the Nazi Party...both at home and abroad. In September 1941 he was appointed Reichsprotektor of Bohemia and Moravia, the former Czechoslovakia. On 27 May 1942 he was attacked and wounded by Czech parachutists sent by the Government in exile in London. He died from his wounds on 4 June 1942. A bloody retribution followed. This figure shows Heydrich in his prewar black SS uniform. - See more at: http://www.kingandcountry.com/black-heydrich-p-9218.html#sthash.EPA7Kyt5.dpuf
39,99 EUR  

Waffen SS Flagbearer

Waffen SS Flagbearer
53,33 EUR  

SS Flagbearer Goose-Stepping

SS Flagbearer Goose-Stepping
53,33 EUR  

SS Officer with Sword

SS Officer with Sword
34,66 EUR