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U.S. Armored Division Tank Riders

U.S. Armored Division Tank Riders
During World War Two the composition of a typical U.S. Army Armoured Division was, of course, centred around its chief component - its three tank battalions.
In support of the tanks were another three battalions of armoured infantry who could be moved forward using M3 Half-Tracks as well as the usual complement of jeeps and trucks.
On occasion these armored infantrymen would and could 'hitch a ride' on any passing Sherman or other armoured vehicle heading towards the front.
To that end we're 'reintroducing' an old favourite 4 x man set with upgraded painting and appropriate Armored Division shoulder patches.
Perfect to work with any of our two new all-metal Shermans!
Price for 1 173,33 EUR

Product number DD392
Not in stock 
Ships within 4-6 days
Manufacturer King & Country
During World War Two the composition of a typical U.S. Army Armoured Division was, of course, centred around its chief component - its three tank battalions.
In support of the tanks were another three battalions of armoured infantry who could be moved forward using M3 Half-Tracks as well as the usual complement of jeeps and trucks.
On occasion these armored infantrymen would and could 'hitch a ride' on any passing Sherman or other armoured vehicle heading towards the front.
To that end we're 'reintroducing' an old favourite 4 x man set with upgraded painting and appropriate Armored Division shoulder patches.
Perfect to work with any of our two new all-metal Shermans!

Port Arms

Port Arms
39,99 EUR  

Humber Heavy Utility

Humber Heavy Utility
74,66 EUR  


27,99 EUR  

US Paratroopers Blast Injury (101st)

US Paratroopers Blast Injury (101st)
In every army, in every war there are always some individuals who are on the lookout for ways to enrich themselves by one way...or another. The U.S. Army was no exception! Some soldiers helped themselves to wine, women and song...Others looted valuable jewelry, paintings, ornaments, silverware – virtually anything they could lay their mitts on. A few had even bigger ambitions...they went after gold bullion! Four GI’s have an appointment with a bank manager somewhere behind German lines and intend to make a rather large withdrawal...
90,66 EUR