The Primus Pilus
The “Primus Pilus” or Primipilus was the most senior centurion of a Roman Legion. In the Legion, the “Cohort” (of which there were between 6 and 10) became the basic tactical unit of each Legion. The “Cohort” was then composed of 5 to 8 “Centuries”, each commanded by a Centurion assisted by an “Optio,” a soldier who could read and write. The senior Centurion of the Legion and commander of the first Cohort, the Primus Pilus (First Spear) was always, a long-serving soldier and highly experienced advisor to the Legate himself and led the largest century of any particular legion – around 800 soldiers. His command would include cooks, clerks and other non combatants as well as the fighting troops. In modern terms he would be the equivalent of a Major in charge of a large battalion – sized unit. Our K & C “Primus Pilus” is a tough well-decorated veteran of many successful campaigns. His white feathered crest atop his helmet and chest full of victory medallions testify to his senior position
Marching Legionary
A classic and extremely useful pose this K&C Legionary carries both a large decorated shield and his throwing “Pilus” (Spear). In addition, his side arms included a “Gladius”, the long fighting sword and the shorter “Pugio” (dagger) for use in close combat situations where the sword was impractical to use. As can be seen this regular Roman soldier is wearing the typical Lorica Segmentata armour of the 1st Century AD.