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Ambulance Kubelwagen (Mid-Late War)

Ambulance Kubelwagen (Mid-Late War)
This particular kubelwagen has had ‘dunkelgelb’ yellow oversprayed in a camouflage pattern on top of the original ‘feldgrau’ field grey. A wounded German soldier lies on the stretcher as the driver/ medic prepares to ferry him back to the nearest field dressing station. The painting and ‘weathering’ on this vehicle is particularly good!
Price for 1 186,66 EUR

Product number WH087 - King and Country
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This particular kubelwagen has had ‘dunkelgelb’ yellow oversprayed in a camouflage pattern on top of the original ‘feldgrau’ field grey. A wounded German soldier lies on the stretcher as the driver/ medic prepares to ferry him back to the nearest field dressing station. The painting and ‘weathering’ on this vehicle is particularly good!

“Mounted Napoleon”

“Mounted Napoleon”
(Chasseur Colonel’s Uniform)
103,99 EUR