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The Four Man Patrol

The Four Man Patrol
A small, four-man section moves carefully forward from their foxholes… During the night they could hear German voices and vehicles moving along a forest track near their dugout… Now they are going to investigate. Led by an NCO (non commissioned officer) armed with a ‘Tommy Gun’, two riflemen, each cradling their M1 Garand rifles, and a B.A.R. man with his Browning Automatic Rifle head out for a ‘look-see’.
Price for 1 177,33 EUR

Product number BBA100
In stock 
Ships within 6-12 days
Manufacturer King & Country
A small, four-man section moves carefully forward from their foxholes… During the night they could hear German voices and vehicles moving along a forest track near their dugout… Now they are going to investigate. Led by an NCO (non commissioned officer) armed with a ‘Tommy Gun’, two riflemen, each cradling their M1 Garand rifles, and a B.A.R. man with his Browning Automatic Rifle head out for a ‘look-see’.

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